
Please click on the links below to view specific parts of Lesley-Jane's repertoire:

Opera and Oratorio
Solo with Orchestra
Solo Voice
Chamber Works


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ALLEGRI  Miserere mei, Deus [Soprano I]

ARNE  Libera me

JS BACH  see also Cantatas

JS BACH  Magnificat [Soprano I; Soprano II]

JS BACH  Mass in B minor

JS BACH  Mass in F major, BWV 233

JS BACH  Mass in A major, BWV 234

JS BACH  Mass in G major, BWV 236

JS BACH  Christmas Oratorio

JS BACH  Easter Oratorio

JS BACH  St John Passion

JS BACH  St Matthew Passion

attrib  JS BACH  St Luke Passion

CPE BACH  Auferstehung und Himmelfahrt Jesu

CPE BACH  Die Israeliten in der Wüste [Soprano II]

CPE BACH  Magnificat

JC BACH  Dixit Dominus

JCF BACH  Die Pilgrime auf Golgotha [Der erste Pilgrim]

JCF BACH  Miserere

Richard BARRELL  Hodie (1998 version)


BEETHOVEN  Missa solemnis

BEETHOVEN  Symphony No 9 (Choral Symphony)

Tony BIGGIN  Cry of the Earth

Richard BLACKFORD  Mirror of Perfection

BLISS  Shield of Faith

John BLOW  Venus and Adonis [Venus]

BOWERS BROADBENT  Hail bright Cecilia [Première - November 1994]

BRAHMS  Ein deutsches Requiem

BRAHMS  Liebeslieder

BRAHMS  Neue Liebeslieder

BRITTEN  Birthday of our King [Broadcast Première - November 1992]

BRITTEN  A Boy was born

BRITTEN  Ceremony of Carols [Soprano I; Soprano II]

BRITTEN  Hymn to St Cecilia

BRITTEN  Rejoice in the Lamb

BRITTEN  A Wedding Anthem

BRUCKNER  Mass in F Minor


CARISSIMI  Jephte [Filia]

CAVALLI  Laudate Dominum [Soprano I]

DOHNÁNYI  Missa in dedicatione ecclesiae (Szeged Mass)

DVORÁK  Mass in D Op 86

DVORÁK  Requiem

DVORÁK  Stabat Mater

John ECCLES  The judgement of Paris [Venus]

ELGAR  The Apostles

ELGAR  The Kingdom

ELGAR  The Spirit of England

David FANSHAWE  African Sanctus

David FANSHAWE  Dona nobis pacem

FAURÉ  Requiem  Pie Jesu - Listen

Brian FERNEYHOUGH  Marian Motets*  Metier [MSV CD28501]

Brian FERNEYHOUGH  Missa Brevis for 12 Solo Voices  [Soprano III]*  Metier [MSV CD28501]

Michael FINNISSY  Favourite Poets  [Première - June 2006Extract - Listen

FINZI  In terra pax

John GARDNER  Cantata for St Cecilia

GILLES  Diligam te, Domine

GILLES  Requiem

GOUNOD  Messe Solennelle St Cecile

GRAUN  Der Tod Jesu

GRAUPNER  Also hat der Welt geliebt

Maurice GREENE  Blessed are those that are undefiled

Maurice GREENE  O God of my Righteousness

GRIMM  Ehre sei Gott in der Höhe

HANDEL  see also Cantatas

HANDEL  Acis and Galatea [Galatea]

HANDEL  Agrippina [Agrippina]

HANDEL  Athalia [Athalia]

HANDEL  Birthday Ode for Queen Anne

HANDEL  Brockes Passion (Passion of Christ)

HANDEL  Chandos Anthem No 5:  O come, let us sing 

HANDEL  Chandos Anthem No 7:  My song shall be alway 

HANDEL  Dixit Dominus [Soprano I; Soprano II]

HANDEL  Hercules [Iöle]

HANDEL  Israel in Egypt [Soprano I; Soprano II]

HANDEL  Jephtha [Iphis]

HANDEL  Johannes Passion

HANDEL  Judas Maccabaeus

HANDEL  Laudate, pueri, Dominum (D major)

HANDEL  Messiah

HANDEL  Messiah  orch. Mozart

HANDEL  Ode on St Cecilia’s Day

HANDEL  La Resurrezione [Angelo]

HANDEL  Samson [Dalila; Israelisish Woman]


HANDEL  Solomon  [Queen; First Harlot]

HANDEL  Tamerlano [Asteria]*  TéléDiffusion de France [K003DP]

JA HASSE  Miserere [Soprano I]

JA HASSE  Die Pilger [Agapito]

HAYDN  The Creation

HAYDN  Harmoniemesse

HAYDN  Missa Brevis in F (Jugendmesse) [Soprano I]

HAYDN  Missa Cellensis (Mariazellermesse)

HAYDN  Missa de St Joannis de Deo (Little Organ Mass)

HAYDN  Missa Sanctae Caeciliae

HAYDN  Missa in Tempore Belli  (Paukenmesse)

HAYDN  Nelson Mass

HAYDN  St Nicholas Mass

HAYDN  The Seasons

HAYDN  Stabat Mater

HAYDN  The Storm

Michael HAYDN  Requiem

HOLZBAUER  Pastorella

HOMILIUS  Johannes Passion [Soprano I]

HOWELLS  An English Mass

HOWELLS  Requiem

Peter IRVINE  Requiem [Première - March 1998]

Francis JACKSON  The Genius of the Thames (1985 version)

JANÁČEK Mša Glagolskaj

Karl JENKINS  The Armed Man

Alistair JONES  A Prodigal Son [Première - March 2012]

Johh JOUBERT  Jane Eyre [Première - October 2016] [Sarah, a pupil at Lowood; Diana Rivers]

Ekaterini KARAMESSINI  With beauty and beauty and beauty   [Première - June 2000]

Reinhard KEISER  Passion nach dem Evangelisten Markus

Peter LEA-COX  Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis

Peter LEA-COX  Surrexit Dominus

Kenneth LEIGHTON  Crucifixus pro nobis

MAHLER  Symphony No 8 (Symphony of a Thousand)  [Soprano II;  Una Poenitentium]

MAXWELL DAVIES  Resurrection [Electronic Soprano, UK Première – September 1994]*  Collins Classics [70342]

MATTHESON  Das Lied des Lammes


MENDELSSOHN  Hear my Prayer

MENDELSSOHN  Hymn of Praise

MENDELSSOHN  A Midsummer Night’s Dream [1st Fairy]

MENDELSSOHN  Drei Psalmen Op 78

MONTEVERDI  1610 Vespers [Soprano I]

MONTEVERDI  Beatus Vir [Soprano I; Soprano II]

MONTEVERDI  Christmas Vespers [Soprano I; Soprano II]

MONTEVERDI  Dixit Dominus [Soprano I; Soprano II]

MONTEVERDI  L’incoronazione di Poppea [Ottavia]

MONTEVERDI  Magnificat [Soprano I; Soprano II]

MOZART  Coronation Mass

MOZART  Litaniae Lauretanae KV195

MOZART  Mass in C minor [Soprano I]

MOZART  Missa brevis in D minor KV65

MOZART  Missa brevis in F major KV192

MOZART  Missa brevis in D major KV194

MOZART  Missa brevis in Bb major KV275

MOZART  Regina coeli

MOZART  Requiem

MOZART  Scande coeli limina

MOZART  Vesperae solennes de confessore

MOZART  Vesperae solennes de Dominica K321

Thea MUSGRAVE  Three Women [Queen; Mistress; Slave]

ORFF  Carmina Burana

PACHELBEL  Jauchzet dem Himmel

PALESTRINA  Stabat Mater [Soprano I]

PARRY  Voces Clamantium

Elis PEHKONEN  Ode to St Cecilia

Elis PEHKONEN  Russian Requiem

PERGOLESI  Magnificat

PERGOLESI  La Serva Padrona [Serpina]

PERGOLESI  Stabat Mater

Joseph PHIBBS  Tenebrae  [Première - April 2006]


PURCELL  Come ye Sons of Art

PURCELL  Dido & Aeneas [Belinda; 1st Witch]

PURCELL  King Arthur

PURCELL  O sing unto the Lord a new song

PURCELL  Timon of Athens

PURCELL  various solo songs, verse anthems, etc

ROSSINI  Petite Messe Solennelle

ROSSINI  Stabat Mater

RUTTER  Magnificat

RUTTER  Requiem

RÜTTI  Alpha et Omega (written for the recording - February 1995)* ASV [CD DCA 954]

RÜTTI  Magnificat* ASV [CD DCA 954]


SAINT-SAËNS  Oratorio de Noël


Alessandro SCARLATTI  Dixit Dominus

Alessandro SCARLATTI  Il pugno David [Ionatha]

SCHEIDT  Christmas Magnificat

SCHUBERT  Deutsche Trauermesse


SCHUBERT  Mass in Eb


SCHUBERT  The Song of Miriam

SCHUBERT  Stabat Mater

David SNELL  Requiem [Première - March 1996]

Richard STRAUSS  Deutsche Motette

Richard STRAUSS  Der Rosenkavalier [The Milliner]


TELEMANN  St Matthew Passion

TIPPETT  A Child of our Time

TIPPETT  Spirituals from A Child of our Time

Will TODD  Mass in Blue

Antonin TUČAPSKÝ  Kohelet [Première – November 1995]


VAUGHAN WILLIAMS  A Cotswold Romance [Mary]



VAUGHAN WILLIAMS  Serenade to Music

VERDI  Requiem

VIVALDI  Gloria [Soprano I; Soprano II]

VIVALDI  Magnificat Ossecensis

WELDON  The Judgement of Paris [Venus]

WHITACRE Eric Alleluia


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JS B ACH  cantatas:

51 - Jauchzet Gott in allen Landen

52 - Falsche Welt, dir trau ich nicht

84 - Ich bin vergnügt mit meinem Glücke

199 - Mein Herze schwimmt im Blut

202 - Weichet nur, betrübte Schatten

210 - O holder Tag, erwünschte Zeit (Wedding Cantata)

211 - Schweigt stille (Coffee Cantata)

212 - Men hahn en neue Oberkeet (Peasant Cantata)

as well as

1; 3; 4; 8; 9; 10; 11; 13; 17; 19; 21; 23; 26; 27; 30; 31; 36; 37; 38; 39; 41; 42; 49; 50; 59; 61; 62; 68; 70; 71; 73; 74; 75; 76; 78; 79; 80; 85; 86; 88; 89; 91; 96; 97; 98; 100; 105; 106; 107; 112; 114; 115; 116; 120; 121; 124; 127; 130; 132; 133; 137; 140; 146; 147; 149; 155; 158; 166; 168; 171; 172; 176; 177; 179; 181; 183; 186; 187; 188; 189; 191; 192; 195; 196; 197; 198; 206; 213; 215

John BLOW  Ah heaven! What is’t I hear? [Soprano I]

BUXTEHUDE  Cantate Domino [Soprano I]

BUXTEHUDE  Fürwahr, er trug ensere Krankheit [Soprano I]

BUXTEHUDE  Kommst du, Licht der Heiden? [Soprano I]

BUXTEHUDE  Salve Jesu [Soprano I]

CALDARA  Lungi dal’idol mio*  Unicorn-Kanchana [DKP(CD)9130]

CALDARA  madrigals & motets*  Unicorn-Kanchana [DKP(CD)9130]

CAPRICORNUS  Amor tuus in nos

CAPRICORNUS  Venite ad me omnes

CLARKE  Blest be those sweet regions

CONTI  Laguet anima mea

COUPERIN  Leçons de ténèbres

William CROFT  Celladon

William CROFT  A Hymn on Divine Music

Gordon CROSS  Two Kipling Songs [Première - August 2008]

HANDEL  Ah! crudel, nel pianto mio

HANDEL  Care selve, aure grate

HANDEL  Figlio d’alte speranze

HANDEL  Fra tante pene

HANDEL  Lucretia

HANDEL  Manca pur quanto sai

HANDEL  Nel dolce dell’oblio

HANDEL  Nò, di voi non vo’ fidarmi [Soprano I]

HANDEL  Nur Eins erbitte ich von Gott

HANDEL  Occhi miei, che faceste?

HANDEL  Quel fior che all’alba ride

HANDEL  Quel fior che all’alba ride (two sopranos) [Soprano I]

HANDEL  Salve Regina

HANDEL  Se per fatal destino

HANDEL  Un’ alma innamorata

Georg J J HAHN  Aria de Nativitate Domini

HAYDN  Cantilena pro adventu

HEINICHEN  Nisi Dominus

GM HOFFMANN  Meine Seele rühmt und preist

JEFFREYS  Lovely Shepherd [Febisse]

JEFFREYS  anthems and motets

François MARTIN  Laetentur coeli

François MARTIN  Notum fecit Dominus

MONTEVERDI  Exulta Filia

MONTEVERDI  Laudate Dominum

PEERSON  songs and motets*  Collins Classics [14372]

PEPUSCH  When love’s soft passion  Recit and Aria - Listen

PERGOLESI  Salve Regina in A Minor

PERGOLESI  Salve Regina in F Minor

PERGOLESI  Salve Regina (two sopranos) [Soprano I]

PURCELL  The Blessed Virgin's Expostulation

PURCELL  From rosy bow’rs

PURCELL  Lord, what is man, lost man?

PURCELL  Elegy on the Death of Queen Mary [Soprano I]

Alessandro SCARLATTI  Arianna

Alessandro SCARLATTI  Christmas Cantata

Alessandro SCARLATTI  Erminia

Alessandro SCARLATTI  Seven Arias with trumpet solo (Si suono la tromba; In terra la guerra; Con voce festiva, Rompe sprezza; Si riscaldi il tebro; Mio tesoro per te moro; Farò la vendetta)

SCHUBERT  The Shepherd on the Rock

SCHÜTZ  O süsser Jesu Christ

TELEMANN  Jauchzett, ihr Himmel

TELEMANN  Laudate, pueri, Dominum

TELEMANN  Magnificat

TELEMANN  O Jesu Christ, dein Kripplein ist

TELEMANN  Weiche, Lust und Fröhlichkeit

TELEMANN  60 solo cantatas from ‚Der Harmonische Gottesdienst’,‚Moralische Kantaten’ and others

VIVALDI  Canto in prato

VIVALDI  Cara sorte

VIVALDI  Par che tardo


Solos with Orchestra

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Peter AVISS   How Love Fled - 6 Yeats Songs for Soprano and String Orchestra [Première - September 2013]

JS BACH  soprano-only cantatas: 51; 52; 84; 199; 202; 210 - see Cantata listings


BRITTEN  Les Illuminations

CANTELOUBE  Songs of the Auvergne Series I

CANTELOUBE  Songs of the Auvergne Series II

Elisabeth COWE   Under Sail [Première - March 2011]

Ivan FEDELE  La chute de la maison Usher [Première - December 1995]

FINZI   Dies Natalis

GORECKI  Symphony No 3 - Symphony of Sorrowful Songs (Mvt 2)

GRAINGER  The Love Song of Har Dyal*  Hyperion [DCA66863]

HANDEL  Laudate, pueri, Dominum (F major)

MAHLER  Symphony No 4

MOZART  Exsultate, jubilate

MOZART  concert arias:

        K217 - Voi avete un cor fidele

        K369 - Ah! non son io che parlo

        K528 - Resta, oh cara

        K538 - Ah se in ciel, benigne stelle

        K583 - Vado, ma dove

Thea MUSGRAVE  Three Women [Queen; Mistress; Slave]

Matthew OGLESBY  An Autumn Day [Première - March 2011]

Lliam PATERSON  Dogs and Wolves [Première - March 2011]


RAVEL  Shéhérazade

Richard STRAUSS   Four Last Songs: Frühling; September; Beim Schlafengehn; Im abendrot Listen

Richard STRAUSS   Die heiligen drei Könige aus Morgenland

Richard STRAUSS   Morgen Listen

VILLA-LOBOS  Bachianas Brasileiras No 5

 various operatic arias etc

Solo Voice

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Peter ASTON  Five Songs of Crazy Jane

BERIO  Sequenza III Listen

Piers HELLAWELL  Fatal Harmony

Philip WOOD  Two Motets - Ave verum corpus* Divine Art [DDA - 25131]

Philip WOOD  Two Motets - Ave Maria* Divine Art [DDA - 25131]

Chamber Works

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John ALEXANDER  Of the Night [Première - May 2024]

Michael ALLEN  Motets and Interludes [Première - May 2011]

William ALWYN  Seascapes

Peter AVISS  Tres Lusciniae [Première - April 2010]

Michael BALL  Be Still [Première - October 2018]

Michael BALL  Two Poems of Ruth Dallas [Première - May 2007]

Sally BEAMISH  Even a Wren Can Eclipse the Sun [Première - April 2024]

Sally BEAMISH  Four Findrinny Songs

Sally BEAMISH  Four Songs of Hafez

David BECK  Delamere Forest [Première - 2013]

David BECK  For a rag man’s long at the briny [Première - 2004]

David BECK  Pitfields’d Cheshire [Première - October 2003]

David BECK  The Thrush’s Nest [Première - November 2010]

David BECK  Trust Thou thy Love [Première - May 2010]

David BECK  Christmas Vocalise for JM [Première - December 2008]

David BECK  Vocalise II ‘Wordsworth’ [Première ]

David BECK  Vocalise III [Première - April 2019]

David BECK  The Thrush’s Nest [Première - November 2010]

Lennox BERKELEY  Una and the Lion

Harrison BIRTWISTLE  Three Settings of Celan - No 1 ‘White and Light’

David BLAKE  The Mulberry Road [Première - April 2024]

Darren Stuart BLOOM  Eve

Derek BOURGEOIS  Pet Hen’s Odd Song [Première]

Chris BROWN  Three Hardy Lyrics [Première - July 2010]

Christopher BROWN  The Fresh Air [Première - April 2023]

Amy BRYCE  Mahnung [Première - January 2015]  -  Pierrot Project Kabarett Songs

Alan BULLARD  Canonic Proverbs [Première - October 2013]

Mervyn BURTCH  Three Kipling Songs [Première - August 2006]

Geoffrey BURGON  Nunc Dimittis

Martin BUTLER  Hope is the Thing… [Première - April 2024]

Ewan CAMPBELL  Exeunt  [Première - July 2011]

Ewan CAMPBELL  Ineunt  [Première - February 2014]

Gary CARPENTER This Great Purple Butterfly [Première - October 2018] - William Alwyn Festival

Elliott CARTER  Tempo e tempi

Arnold COOKE  Nocturnes

COPLAND  As it fell upon a day

David COX  The Magical Island*  Campion Cameo [Cameo 2026]

Gordon CROSSE  Lullaby

Gordon CROSSE  Three Kipling Songs [Première - October 2008]*  Prima Facie [PFCD004]

Gordon CROSSE  Two William Alwyn Songs [Première - April 2009]

Gordon CROSSE  CantAHta [Première - May 2011]*

Peter CROSSLEY-HOLLAND  The Fairy Workers*  Campion Cameo [Cameo 2026]

Peter CROSSLEY-HOLLAND  The Philosopher Bird*  Campion Cameo [Cameo 2026]

Andrew CUSWORTH  Llyn Cau  [Première - May 2013]

Martin DALBY The Shulamite's Songs [Première - July 2013]

Basil DEANE - Raymond WARREN  The Rose Tree [Première - October 2008]*  Prima Facie [PFCD005]

Peter DICKINSON Strings in the Earth and Air [Première of the instrumental version - October 2018] - William Alwyn Festival

Raymond DODD  In the Highlands [Première - November 2012]

Stephen DODGSON  Daphne to Apollo*  Campion Cameo [Cameo 2032]

Stephen DODGSON  The Monk and his Cat [Première - October 2004]*  Campion Cameo [Cameo 2032]

Stephen DODGSON  Quatre Rondeaux de Charles d’Orléons*  Campion Cameo [Cameo 2032]

Stephen DODGSON  Venus to the Muses [Première - April 2004]*  Campion Cameo [Cameo 2032]

James DOHENY  CassandraSong [Première - March 1994]

John DRUMMOND  Dunedin Pictures [Première - January 2008]

John DRUMMOND  On the Road[Première - May 2007]

David DUBERY  An August Midnight  [Première - July 2010]

David DUBERY  Evening in April  [Première - May 2011]*

David DUBERY  Three Songs to poems by Robert Graves

Giles EASTERBROOK  Warwick Light [Première, live webcast - October 1999]

William EDEN  Scenes from Nature [Première - April 2009]

David ELLIS  Four Songs of Hope and Desire

Barry FERGUSON  All Things are Fair [Première - July 2013]

Michael FINNISSY  Blessed be

Michael FINNISSY  Caithness with Descants [Première - May 2007]

Peter FLINN  Concluding Words [Première - May 2007]

David FORSHAW  Three Imagist Songs [Première - November 2010]

Cheryl FRANCES-HOAD  I'll have the whetstone if I may  [Première - October 2017]

Bridget FRY  Nightingales  [Première - April 2010]

Bridget FRY  Birds - Three Song [Première - July 2013

Alan GIBBS   Fire of Pale Desire [Première - September 2008

Alan GIBBS   Singing Bird  [Première - March 2006]

Anthony GILBERT  A Breath for Life [Première - April 2023]

Anthony GILBERT  Ondine [Première (in completed form) - October 2004]*  Prima Facie [PFCD004]

Anthony GILBERT  En Bateau d’après Watteau [Première - August 2008]*  Prima Facie [PFCD004]

Anthony GILBERT  Placing Art [Première - November 2012]

John GOLLAND  To Musick

Adam GORB  A Composer’s Day [Première - May 2024]

Adam GORB  Magnification X [Première - October 2004]

Michael Zev GORDON  Three Basho Haiku for Tony [Première - October 2004]

Larry GOVES  the leaves [Première - April 2024]

Philip GRANGE   A Spectre Scene [Première - July 2004]* Campion Cameo [Cameo 2051/52]

Philip GRANGE   Sick Moon [Première - October 2014]  -  Pierrot Project launch

Philip GRANGE  Time softly treads [Première - October 2008]*  Prima Facie [PFCD004]

Terence GREAVES  Tinker Tailor

Edward GREGSON  Remembrance [Première - October 2008]*  Prima Facie [PFCD004]

Eloise Nancie GYNN Ivresse de Lune (sketch)  [Première - October 2014]  -  Pierrot Project launch

Naji HAKIM  The cloths of heaven [Première - October 2018] - The William Alwyn Festival

Anthony HALSTEAD  Three Shakespeare Songs [Première - September 2005]

Colin HAND  Three Songs to Poems by John Fletcher [Première - September 2005]

Colin HAND  Three Bird Songs [Première - August 2006]

Richard LEIGH HARRIS  This is just to say...  [Première - September 2005]

Sadie HARRISON  Aster [Première - October 1995]* Metier [MSV CD92053]

Sadie HARRISON  Three Pictures from Elmet [Soprano II, Première - November 1990]

Sadie HARRISON  All in green went my love riding

Sadie HARRISON  The Colour

Anthony HEDGES  Brief Evocations [Première - October 2003

Anthony HEDGES  Four Poems of WB Yeats [Première - September 2007]*  Prima Facie [PFCD005]

Anthony HEDGES  Gallimaufry  [Première - July 2010]

Anthony HEDGES  Imagination [Première - May 2007]

John HEDGES  Vogue au Large [Première - March 2003]

Piers HELLAWELL   Four Delays

Hans Werner HENZE   Heilige Nacht

Jackson HILL  Philomel [Première - June 2002]

Rolf HIND  The City of Love

Wendy HISCOCKS  My Pastel Child [Première - May 2024]

HOFMANN-ENGL  The ballad of the Harp-Weaver [Première - October 1995]

HOFMANN-ENGL  Psalm 30 [Première, live webcast - October 1999]

Peter HOPE  Song Cycle - About Love [Première - August 2007]

Peter HOPE  Song Cycle - Wild Nights [Première - August 2006]

Peter HOPE  Two Pastoral Songs  [Première - July 2010]

Peter HOPE June Notes [Première - October 2013]

Peter HOPE  Summer Sings  [Première - October 2017]

Antony HOPKINS  Three French Folksongs [Première - September 2008]*

Antony HOPKINS  Two Songs [arranged for the recording - November 2011]*

David HORNE  Those Images [Première - October 2018] - The William Alwyn Festival

Vic HOYLAND  Yellow Sands  [Première - October 2017]

Francis JACKSON  Serenade to a Pill [Première - May 2007]

Karel JANOVICKÝ  Rain Songs [Première - April 2010]**

John JEFFREYS  The Bailey beareth the bell away [Première - May 2005]

Adam JOHNSON  The Migrants [Première - May 2024]

Liz JOHNSON  Gigerlette [Première - January 2015]  -  Pierrot Project Kabarett Songs

John JOUBERT  Before the world was made [Première - September 2007]

John JOUBERT  The Hour Hand*  Toccata Classics [TOCC 0045]

John JOUBERT  Remember

John JOUBERT  The Rose is shaken in the wind*  Toccata Classics [TOCC 0045]

John JOUBERT  A Woman Young and Old [Première - March 2009]*

John JOUBERT  Three Villanelles [Première - October 2013]

John JOUBERT  The Turning Wheel

Rob KEELEY  Cadeau  [Première - October 2017]

Ian KEMP  Carolling

Geoffrey KIMPTON  Song at Evening [Première - August 2007]

Geoffrey KIMPTON  Time [Première - August 2006]

Oliver KNUSSEN  Hums and Songs of Winnie-the-Pooh

Peter LEA-COX  Londonderry Air (arrangement)

Nicola LEFANU  A Travelling Spirit* Metier [MSV CD92064]

John LeGROVE  Lonely Spring [Première - May 2024]

Kenneth LEIGHTON  Animal Heaven

Anwen LEWIS  Remembering AGe [Première - October 2004]

Geraint LEWIS  An Elegy [Première - November 2012]

LIGETI  Aventures

LIGETI  Nouvelles Aventures

Neil LUCK  Priapic Whatever [Première - January 2015]  -  Pierrot Project Kabarett Songs

David LUMSDAINE  A Child’s Grace

David LUMSDAINE  A Little Cantata*  Metier [MSV CD28519]

David LUMSDAINE  A Norfolk Songbook*  Metier [MSV CD28519]

David LUMSDAINE  A Tree telling of Orpheus*  Metier [MSV CD28519]

Elisabeth LUTYENS  Requiescat

David LYON  Returning to the Fields  [Première - July 2010]

Kevin MALONE  Benediction  [Première - April 2024]

Kevin MALONE  I live in Love-Longing  [Première - October 2017]

Kevin MALONE  The Radio Song

John MANDUELL  Into the Ark

John MANDUELL  Verses from “Calvary”  [Première - September 2007]*   Prima Facie [PFCD005]

John MANDUELL  Trois Chansons de la Renaissance

Sasha JOHNSON MANNING  Summer in Winter [Première - May 2007]

Sasha JOHNSON MANNING Orpheus [Première - July 2013]

Sasha JOHNSON MANNING Lingering Music [Première - May 2024]

Julian MARSHALL  Lines written in Early Spring [Première - September 2012]

Nicholas MARSHALL  The Birds [Première of extended cycle - August 2007]

Nicholas MARSHALL  Carousel

Nicholas MARSHALL  Evening, Oreti Beach [Première - May 2007]

Nicholas MARSHALL  The Sweet Nightingale [Première - July 2010]

Nicholas MARSHALL  Three Complaints [Première - October 2010]

Nicholas MARSHALL  Three Songs of Ruth Dallas [Première - January 2008]

Nicholas MARSHALL  To a Child dancing in the Wind [Première - April 2023]

Nicholas MARSHALL  Prestbury [Première - May 2024]

Nicholas MARSHALL  Work and Play [Première - July 2008]

David MATTHEWS  Happiness [Première - May 2007]

David MATTHEWS  Song Cycle: Happiness [Première - August 2009]

David MATTHEWS  Lullaby [Première - October 2018] - at The William Alwyn Festival

David MATTHEWS  Two Yeats Songs [Première - April 2019]

John McDOWELL  On the Sussex Downs*  Prima Facie [PFCD005]

Wilfrid MELLERS  The Ecchoing Green*  Campion Cameo [Cameo 2051/52]

Wilfrid MELLERS  Three Songs of Growing*  Campion Cameo [Cameo 2051/52]

Robin NELSON  My Beloved Spake [Première - May 2024]

Michael NUTTALL  A Cradle Song

Michael NYMAN  Miserere

Norberto OLDRINI  Jedem das Seine [Première - January 2015]  -  Pierrot Project Kabarett Songs

Ian PARROTT  Paraphrases for Wilfrid [Première - October 2004]

Ian PARROTT  Remembrance [Première - May 2007]

Ian PARROTT  Songs of Renewal

John PAYNTER  Of Time and Place [Première - July 2004]*  Campion Cameo [Cameo 2051/52]

Elis PEHKONEN  Afar in the Desert [Première - May 2007]

Elis PEHKONEN  The Alabaster Box

Elis PEHKONEN  Alleluia [Première - May 2005]*  Campion Cameo [Cameo 2082] 

Elis PEHKONEN  Awake my Lute  [Première - October 2017]

Elis PEHKONEN  The Inward Eye [Première - August 2009]*   Prima Facie [PFCD004]

Elis PEHKONEN  In Linden Lea [Première - July 2010]

Elis PEHKONEN  Medieval May Sequence [Première - August 2009]

Elis PEHKONEN  Sonnet [Première - October 2018] - The William Alwyn Festival

Elis PEHKONEN  The Ticking Room [Première - May 2024]

Joseph PHIBBS  Pierrot [written for the recording - November 2011]*

Joseph PHIBBS  Moon Songs [Première - June 2014]

Jeremy Pike  The Cat and the Moon [Première - October 2018] - The William Alwyn Festival

Andrew PLANT  On How to Sing [written for the recording - November 2011;  Première - October 2013]*

Geoffrey POOLE  After Long Silence [Première - September 2007]*   Prima Facie [PFCD001/005]

Geoffrey POOLE  Canto I

Geoffrey POOLE  Canto II*  Prima Facie [PFCD001]

Geoffrey POOLE  Reflection [Première - October 2018] - The William Alwyn Festival

Geoffrey POOLE  Utopia [Première - November 2012]

Alan RAWSTHORNE  The Streets of Laredo [Performance Premiere April 2023]

RAVEL  Chansons Madécasses

Jasmin Kent RODGMAN  Langsamer [Première - January 2015]  -  Pierrot Project Kabarett Songs

Ned ROREM  Sound the Flute [Première - July 2004]*  Campion Cameo [Cameo 2051/52]

John ROSE  On hearing the Flute in the Yellow Crane House [Première - May 2007]

Peter ROSE  This New Life [Première - May 2024]

Jana ROWLAND  The Cat and the Bird [Première - April 2009]

Robert SAXTON  Little Prayer for Anthony Gilbert  [Première - April 2024]

Dimitri SCARLATO  Der Nachtwandler [Première - January 2015]  -  Pierrot Project Kabarett Songs

SCHOENBERG  Pierrot Lunaire

SCHOENBERG  Second String Quartet:  3) Litanei;  4) Entrückung

Howard SKEMPTON  Feste’s Song [Première - October 2004]*  Campion Cameo [Cameo 2051/52]

Howard SKEMPTON  How slow the wind

Philip SPRATLEY  Beauty [Première - May 2024]

Robin STEVENS  Men Improve with the Years [Première - April 2019]

Richard STOKER  A green pleasant land [Première - August 2006]

STRAVINSKY  Three Songs from Shakespeare

Andrew THOMAS  Einfältiges Lied   [Première - January 2015]  -  Pierrot Project Kabarett Songs

Jeremy THURLOW  Light - dark - sea [Première - September 2015]

Jeremy THURLOW  The Pedlar of Swaffham [Première - October 2007]

Jeremy THURLOW  The She-Wolf

Ernest TOMLINSON  Two Songs

Mark-Anthony TURNAGE  Lament for a Hanging Man

Julia USHER  Sacred Physic*  Metier [MSV CD92066]

Julia USHER  What is the Price of Experience? [Marina]*  Metier [MSV CD92066]

Robin WALKER  Four Nursey Rhymes

Robin WALKER  Handel to his Soul [Première - June 2006]

Robin WALKER Letter to Brussells [Première - September 2016]

Robin WALKER  Reflection [Première - April 2004]*  Campion Cameo [Cameo 2051/52]

Robin WALKER Self-Interrogation [Première - September 2016]

Robin WALKER  Soaring to my Lord [Première - October 2010]

Raymond WARREN  ‘Rosy Apple’ - Three Children’s Songs [Première - September 2008]

Raymond WARREN  Drop, drop slow tears

Raymond WARREN  At the Hawk's Well [Première - November 2012]

Graham WATERHOUSE  Blind Cupid [Première - April 2004]

Roderick WATKINS  Breath [Première - February 2005]

Roderick WATKINS  Kane no koe [Première - October 2007]

Jane WELLS  Artemis  [Première - April 2009]

Kate WHITLEY  The only real  [Première - November 2009]

James WHITTLE  The Undemanding Lover [Première - January 2015]  -  Pierrot Project Kabarett Songs

Philip WILBY  A Little Aria for Ian [Première - November 2012]

Stephen WILKINSON  Childsplay

Ralph VAUGHAN WILLIAMS  Ten Blake Songs

Ralph VAUGHAN WILLIAMS  Merciless Beauty

John R WILLIAMSON  Fancy’s Knell [Première - September 2005]

Flora Natalie WILLSON  Two Poems of Emily Dickinson [Première - October 2008]

Brian WILSHERE  An unfinished poem [Première - October 1995]

Elizabeth WINTERS  Two Songs  [Première - May 2010]

Beth WISEMAN  Blow of your Breath*  Prima Facie [PFCD001]

Beth WISEMAN  October*  Prima Facie [PFCD001]

Hugh WOOD  Dream Song

Hugh WOOD  Merlin [Première - November 2012]

Philip WOOD  Five Vernal Bagatelles [Première - September 2012]* Divine Art [DDA - 25131]

Philip WOOD  Sonnets, Airs and Dances* Divine Art [DDA - 25131]

Christopher WRIGHT  Four Meditations*  Merlin Classics [MRFD 070914]

Christopher WRIGHT  Epitaph - The Long Wait

Christopher WRIGHT  Munrow’s Muse [written for the recording - September 2008]* Campion Cameo [Cameo 2082] 

Christopher WRIGHT  A Vision of Heaven*  Merlin Classics [MRFD 070914]

Jack Van ZANDT  Here for a Moment’s Space  [Première - April 2024]

Ruth ZECHLIN  Hommage à Händel [Première - June 2006]

Ruth ZECHLIN  Canticum Canticorum Salomonis [Première - June 2009]

Recital Overview

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Lesley-Jane Rogers’ extensive recital repertoire is not listed here, but comprises songs from the Lieder repertory, mélodies, English Song and American Song, as well as light music.  Lesley-Jane works regularly with the award-winning pianist Jennie-Helen Moston, and their latest CD - Of Times and Seasons [Divine Art - DDA 25109], featuring songs and anthems by British composer Peter Lea-Cox - is available to purchase from this site.  Click here to listen to Lesley-Jane.

Lesley-Jane also works closely with the recorder player John Turner. John's particular interest in championing 20th-century English music has led to Lesley-Jane giving performances of songs by such interesting composers as Peter Crossley-Holland, Julius Harrison, Percy Young, Thomas Pitfield, Stephen Dodgson, Ian Parrott, Cyril Scott, Wilfrid Mellers, Walter Bergmann and John Joubert among others.