By far the greatest part of Lesley-Jane’s concert diary is oratorio work, and her extensive experience encompasses the mainstream repertoire. She frequently performs works by Bach, Handel, Haydn, Mozart, Mendelssohn, Elgar and Verdi, as well as many more unusual pieces. She is also an exuberant performer when required, such that she is a popular choice for large-scale pieces such as Vaughan Williams’s Sea Symphony or Elgar The Kingdom, and for new works in particular.
Lesley-Jane is also in demand as a “vocal concerto” soloist, particularly from choirs and orchestras desiring a highlight feature in their concert. Her affinity with Mozart's Exsultate, jubilate and Bach's solo cantata Jauchzet Gott makes her a popular choice for this task.
Lesley-Jane’s interest in new music has led to several choirs either commissioning new works or performing challenging 20th century repertoire. Recent performances have included Alistair Jones' A Prodigal Son, Joseph Phibbs' Tenebrae commissioned by the St Albans Bach Choir, Richard Blackford’s Mirror of Perfection, Elis Pehkonen’s Ode to St Cecilia, Antonín Tučapský’s Kohelet, and Michael Finnissy’s Favourite Poets commissioned by The Chanctonbury Chorus.
The wide-ranging vocal skills of Lesley-Jane Rogers are reflected in the variety of concert work she undertakes - please see the concert diary page for illustration. To listen to Lesley-Jane, please click here, and for full details of her extensive repertoire, please view the repertoire page.